
Deck Maintenance Near Me: Trusted Services for a Stronger, Longer-Lasting Deck

Deck Maintenance Near Me: Expert Care by Bright Services Table of Contents Why Regular Deck Maintenance Matters Deck Staining in North Wales, PA and Beyond Deck Repair Services for Long-Term Value Bright Services: Deck Cleaning and Sealing Deck and Fence Cleaning for Curb Appeal Exterior Painting & Staining Services Pressure Washing & Power Washing Solutions [...]

Deck Staining

Staining your deck will preserve and often enhance the natural look of the wood on your deck. A transparent deck stain will allow you to see the natural wood grain through the stain. The transparent deck stain soaks into the wood and is typically an oil based product. A color chart can be found here. […]

Deck Staining

When it comes to choosing what brand of stain to use for your deck, there are countless options.  Even before choosing the brand, you will need to determine where to start your search?  The box stores or your local hardware store are common starting points however the internet is the most common. Let’s back up […]

Deck Board Replacement

Unprotected exterior wood is prone to damage and decay. It is important to maintain exterior wood by cleaning it routinely and sealing/staining it to keep it looking its best. When the situation arises that a board has been damaged due to the elements or has rotting occur, it will need to be replaced. When replacing […]

Is a rotating surface cleaning machine good for pressure washing wood?

When pressure washing and cleaning horizontal surfaces, a rotating surface cleaning machine should not be used.  Surface cleaners are designed for concrete cleaning and should not be used on wood due to wood being soft.  Surface cleaners rotate which means the wood is being cleaned against the grain nearly 98% of the time.  Cleaning wood […]

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