
The use of a power washer is a great way to speed up the process of cleaning an exterior deck.  Many homeowners and contractors utilize a power washer when maintaining their deck or completing a deck restoration project.  Just like any tool, there can be right and wrong ways to operate a power washer.

Power Washer Tips

The word “tips” refers to a the end of the power washer lance.  A “tip” can be replaced depending on the amount of water and the amount of pressure that is desired.  This is where the untrained and the less experienced make the most detrimental mistakes.  Tips usually start at 0 degrees and go up to 90 degrees.  The degree rating is the width of the water that comes out of the end of the lance.  The larger degree tip, the less pressure.  Too often we see 0 degree tips being used and damage is sure to occur.  For deck restoration and rinsing of the cleaners/strippers a maximum of a green or 40 degree tip should be used.

Fuzzy Appearance

The fuzzy appearance on wood after it has been cleaned is the byproduct of using cleaners and strippers.  This is a natural occurrence and you should not be alarmed.  Over time the fuzzy appearance will go away.  Splinters on the other hand should not be present after a proper cleaning of wood.  When splinters occur, it is due to the use of too much pressure.  See the pictures below for an example of each.

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